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How to make stress your friend

Bijgewerkt op: 8 feb. 2021

"Stress is not the enemy. Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal says if you can change the way you think about it, it can even become your friend."

It is hard for me to explain how happy I was to see this health professional explain to the public how wrong she was in advising her patients for the last 10 years. Happy because the insight is fully in line with the vision of Reconnect Academy, happy because more and more people are open to this new perspective on stress. Happy because we see the results of this new approach every day with our clients. In this video she admits that it does not help to run away from stress, we must find a way to think differently about stress, embrace it so we reduce the negative impact and even become stronger because of it. In short, this TED-talk contains a beautiful message that may help you to see stress in a different light. Our programmes are also tailored to this message, if you want to know more, let's talk!


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